Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Can You Put A Boxers Dry Nose Any Remedies For A Boxer With A Dry Nose?

Any remedies for a boxer with a dry nose? - what can you put a boxers dry nose

I have a little oil in the diet of his coat and listened to moisten the nose, but still have my boxer has a very dry nose, someone knows something that I can use?


  1. Hello, you take boxing to a dry nose up.A check is not good.
    Good Luck

  2. Hello, you take boxing to a dry nose up.A check is not good.
    Good Luck

  3. Sounds like a good thing, have tried with olive oil before I would have to say it will take some time to help. My Black Lab has always had a dry nose, never caused any problems, but I'm using olive oil, which has added so completely dry food, I always make sure your water is added

  4. ur some kind of ointment or cream veterinarian who ask only to one of the doctors at the hospital I work for a spanile perscribed Cocker was so bad that it was cracking and bleeding when not remember her name.

  5. There is nothing wrong. Some dogs will always have a dry nose. My 11 years old lab has a dry nose, his whole life long. How do you say that you do not mind if it do anything wrong.

  6. Ive had a lot of English bulldogs) (same page appears on the top of Vaseline along the nose to help.

  7. Try rubbing Vaseline on them. Meet my dog if shes a nose into the wind when we cracked chapped lips.

    Hope this helps

  8. Im not quite sure, but I know that wet nose a bad sign. Are you throwing.
